Prof. Xiuli He joined the Belk College of Business at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte in 2008. She received her PhD in Supply Chain and Operations Management from the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin.
Prof. He’s research is at the interface between supply chain management and other areas such as marketing, finance and economics. Her recent research papers have been published in Production and Operations Management, Naval Research Logistics, Decision Sciences Journal, Omega, European Journal of Operational Research, Transportation Research Part E, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, Journal of Operational Research Society, Operations Research Letters, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, and other journals. She served as the Senior Guest Editor of the POM Journal in 2015. She is a former associate editor of Omega (2015-2019) and is a former associate editor of International Journal of Production Research (2011-2015). She serves as the Vice President for Colleges and is on the Editorial Board of Production and Operations Management Society. She is the recipient of the Belk College’s Outstanding Service Award in May 2019 and POM Society’s Outstanding Service Award in 2018, 2019, 2021 and 2022.
Prior to joining UNC Charlotte, she was a visiting Assistant Professor of Operations Management in the School of Management at the University of Texas at Dallas. She also worked as an equity analyst in Shanghai (China) before her doctoral study.