

  1. Yan, N, Z. Chen, X. Xu, X. He. E-commerce Platform Finance with Dual Channels, Naval Research Logistics, forthcoming.
  2. X. He, S. P. Sethi,  X. Xu, N. Yan. Financing a Capital-constrained Supply Chain: Equity or Debt, Transportation Research Part E,  forthcoming.
  3. Wu, J., L. Hu, X. He,  X. Zheng. 2024. Research on Logistics Cooperation Strategy of the Retailer and
    the Platform Based on Paid Membership System. Sustainability 16,3368
  4. Wu, J., L. Hu, X. He,  X. Zheng. 2024. The development and impact of member subscription services in retailing: a literature review, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 63
  5. Zhang, J., Q. Cao, X. He. 2023. Competitor Referral by Platforms. Annals of Operations Research, 329 p.757-780.
  6. Tao, S.,  X. Du, S. P. Sethi,  X. He, Y. Li. 2022. Equilibrium decisions on pricing and innovation that impact reference price dynamics, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 18(6), p. 4265-4292.
  7. Zhang, J., X. He, Y. Zhang. 2022. Peer-Induced Fairness and Personalized Pricing in a Channel. Journal of Operational Research Society, 73(8), p.1812-1827
  8. Du, X., H. Zhan, X. Zhu, X. He. 2021. The Upstream Innovation with an Overconfident Manufacturer in a Supply Chain. Omega, 105, p.102497
  9. Yu, L, X. He, J. Zhang, C. Xu. 2021. Horizontal Cooperative Advertising with Advertising Threshold Effect. Omega, 98,  p.102104.
  10. Yan, N,  X. He. 2020. Optimal Trade Credit with Deferred Payment and Multiple Decision Attributes in Supply Chain Finance. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 147, p.106627.
  11. Yan, N, L. Yang, X. Xun, X. He. 2020. Strategic Dual-channel Pricing Games with E-retailer Finance. European Journal of Operational Research, 283(1), 138-151.
  12. Zhang, J., Q. Cao, X. He. 2020. Manufacturer Encroachment with Advertising. Omega, 91., p. 102013
  13. Zhang, J., X. He. 2019. Targeted Advertising by Asymmetric Firms. Omega, 89, 136-150.
  14. Yan, N., X. He, Y. Liu. 2019. Financing the Capital-constrained Supply Chain with Loss Aversion: Supplier Finance vs. Supplier Investment. Omega, 88, 162-178.
  15. Zhang, J., Q. Cao, X. He. 2019. Contract and Product Quality in Platform Selling. European Journal of Operational Research, 272, 928-944.
  16. Li, G., X. He, J. Zhou, H. Wu. 2019. Pricing, Replenishment and Preservation Technology Investment Decisions for Non-instantaneous Deteriorating Items. Omega, 84, 114-126.
  17. Pan, Q, X. He, K. Skouri, S.C. Chen, J.T. Teng. 2018.  An inventory Replenishment System with Two Inventory-based Substitutable Products. International Journal of Production Economics, 204, 135-147.
  18. Ashokan, R., G. Zenarosa, X. He. 2018. Diffusion Model for the Adoption of Smartphone Brands under Competitive Pricing. International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, 9(3), 96-99.
  19. Li, T., S. P. Sethi, X. He. 2015. Dynamic Pricing, Production, and Channel Coordination with Stochastic Learning. Production and Operations Management, 24(6), 857-882.
  20. Zhang, J., Q. Gou, L. Liang, X. He. 2013. Ingredient Branding Strategies for a Dynamic Supply Chain: Models and Analysis. International Journal of Production Research, 51(23), 6923-6949.
  21. He, X, A. Krishnamoorthy, A. Prasad, S. P. Sethi. 2012. Co-op Advertising in Dynamic Retail Oligopolies. Decision Sciences Journal, 43(1), 73-106.
  22. He, X, M. Khouja. 2011. Pareto Analysis of Supply Chain Contracts under Satisficing Objectives. European Journal of Operational Research, 214(1), 53-66.
  23. Gutierrez, G., X. He. 2011. Life-cycle Channel Coordination Issues in Launching an Innovative Durable Product. Production and Operations Management, 20(2), 268-279.
  24. He, X, A. Krishnamoorthy, A. Prasad, S. P. Sethi. 2011. Retail Competition and Cooperative Advertising. Operations Research Letters, 39(1), 11-16.
  25. He, X., A. Prasad, S. P. Sethi. 2009. Co-op Advertising and Pricing in a Stochastic Supply Chain: Feedback Stackelberg Strategies. Production and Operations Management, 18(1), 78-94.
  26. Sethi, S.P., A. Prasad, X. He. 2008. Optimal Advertising and Pricing in a New-Product Adoption Model. Journal of Optimization Theory & Applications, 139(2), 351-360.
  27. He, X., S. P. Sethi. 2008. Optimal Slotting and Pricing Decisions in a Durable Product Supply Chain. Journal of Optimization Theory & Applications, 137(2), 363-379.
  28. He, X., A. Prasad, S. P. Sethi, G. Gutierrez. 2007. A Survey of Differential Game Models in Supply Chain and Marketing Channels. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 16(4), 385-413.


  1. He, X., S. Saravane, Q. Gu. 2014. Supply Chain Analytics: Challenges and Opportunities. Encyclopedia of Business Analytics and Optimization, edited by John Wang and published by IGI Global.
  2. Gu, Q., X. He, S. Saravane. 2014. Advance Information Sharing in Supply Chain Management. Encyclopedia of Business Analytics and Optimization, edited by John Wang and published by IGI Global.
  3. He, X., G. Gutierrez, S. P. Sethi. A Review of Stackelberg Differential Game Models in Supply Chain Management. In Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE Int. Conf. on Service Systems and Service Management, Chengdu, China, June 14-20, 2007.
  4. Gutierrez, G. J., X. He. Designing Distribution Channels to Launch an Innovative Durable Product with Complementary Services and Products. In Proceedings of the 2006 M&SOM Conference, Georgia Tech, GA, June 2006.